Death of the Commander 1/35


From the beginning this was supposed to be a quite small vignette including only the “wedgie” Panther tank by Darius and 2-3 figures. After painting the Panther I was quite happy with the result and thought the Panther earned a bigger and more complex scenario.

Scenario: Italy late 1944. The highly decorated and mythical commander of a German “kampfgruppe” have 3 minutes ago got his right leg blown off. For 2 minutes his soldiers tried to save his life, he died one minute ago.

His best friend to the right in the picture is in chock, the soldier to the left is shouting to him to leave the dead commander and return to his tank.

The rest of the soldiers feel abandoned. The standing officer is pointing at the direction where the enemy are.

Name: “Death of the Commander”

Scene: WWII, Italy late 1944.

Scale: 1/35

Panther tank: Darius Miniatures.

Building: DioDump.

Figures: Warriors, Alpine.

Made by DIOWORK in 2020.


Pictures of the diorama:

Please note that the pictures are very close up, you will easily see all my mistakes and details that I could have done better.